2017 Mitsuko Tonouchi

Mitsuko Tonouchi
Tokyo, JAPAN

The contour line of Mt.Fuji

 One day a good idea came down to me, it's "contour line".
 I checked it which of Mt.Fuji (the most famous mountain in Japan) on my PC.
So beautiful lots of lines, but not any colors there...

I used many colors that I like and I crocheted it so hard day after day.
Freeform crochet, though I've almost done it with single crochet.
 This time I've finished it only a part, and only around the top of Mt.Fuji.
Besides, it is independent of the scale model.




  1. What a fabulous inspiration you had for this theme Mitsuko, and created with such gorgeous colours.

  2. WOW!! Mitsuko, your work is fabulous as always. Upon first seeing it, before even knowing it was yours, I saw a contour map made of fabulous colors. Absolutely LOVE It!

  3. Lovely idea, great work!

  4. Your piece draws me inward to its center and then outward to it refined edges...what a beautiful display of color!

  5. I love this so much! I am impressed with your work as I always am.


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