2017 Kaye Adolphson

Kaye Adolphson

Cosmic Journey

“We are travellers on a cosmic journey, stardust, swirling and dancing in the eddies and whirlpools of infinity. Life is eternal.”
                                                       Paulo Coelho

This garment is my interpretation of the above quote. 

I have tried to depict the colourful whirlpools and patterns of the galaxy with a continuous black line of space between for life eternal.



  1. What a lovely shawl this is Kaye. I love all the spirals in the galaxy, and a fabulous way of joining them all together with the black speckled yarn to depict space and stars.

  2. Lovely shawl! Your spirals are fabulous!

  3. This lovely work make its journey beautiful!

  4. I love wearable art! Great interpretation of the theme!


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