Rita Summers
Tasmania, Australia
Facebook - gonerusticstudiogallery
Instagram - @gonerustic
As I trap layers of freeform crochet and eco dyed scrap materials between a stabiliser that ultimately dissolves, never to be seen again, I unconsciously make visual the cycle of loss, fragmentation and the threads that somehow hold us together.
Fragments, scribbled stitch, odd shapes, the seepage of light (interior light) through the gaps - I am only now beginning to realise what it all means.
It is a lost map, a fragile crucible, the intangible becoming tangible. And I have no idea where this journey will lead me.
Materials - silk crochet; naturally dyed silk fabric, teabag paper and yarn; free motion machine stitched.
What an interesting combination of techniques! I see brilliance growing within guiding future endeavors.