Judy Casserberg
Knife River, MN, USA
Flora of My Native Region – Northern Minnesota, on the shore of Lake Superior, USA –
I live in the Northern part of Minnesota where spring comes in May. We have a wide selection of trees, many conifers, but notably White Birch trees. Our state flower is the Pink Lady Slipper.
Trillium and Marsh Marigolds join the Lady Slipper in spring in our woods and along our roadsides and ditches. In summer they are replaced by Lupine and Cattails. Of course we have more, but when one thinks of what represents our area, these come to mind first.
I found this a hard topic to do. It was so specific that I couldn’t generalize shapes and color.
I would have been more comfortable if the topic had been just flora and fauna. I tried starting with a fabric background this time and found that restricted how I work. I realized that the topic would have worked better for me in embroidery.
My tea cozy sports one fauna, an Army worm!