2009 Kesam Katz

Kesam Katz

Eilat, Israel

The crocheted wall hanging is made of numerous different fibers. Entitled where the Sky Meets the Sand: the Four Seasons of a Desert Sky is 32 X 40 inches in size. The desert sky in Eilat is full of brillant blues during most of the year. Even at night the sky is a deep touquoise and navy blue.During the winter months we do have some gray cloudy skies. Due to the lack of air polution we do not have any brillant sunsets as are found in the California desert. However, when we do have clouds we manage to have some very pink and red sunsets and sunrises as the light is reflected off of the clouds. It is very windy here which I suggest by the use of whirlies. The outer edge is first various shades of brown to suggest the sand--the very outer edge is 3 diminsional with shades of brown,gray and white to suggest the low mountains which surround Eilat.

Liz's Spring Garden is approximately (odd shape) 15 inches X 18 inches and is crocheted entirely from # 8 pearl cotton. Every spring my friend Liz brings in a professional gardener to replant her garden which is beautifully filled with different shades of green and many other colors.

My ode to summer is this full length,mid-calf coat

which I crocheted using many different fibers. Here in Eilat the summer sun is extremely bright--as a consequence colors are brighter and shade is deeper in color. At times the shade almost looks black in contrast to the brightness of the sun. I am calling this coat Sun and Shade.

My ode to fall is a wall hanging/shawl which I call The Grape Harvest. It is crocheted from several different fibers and measures 54 inches by 34 inches. My entire life I have lived where fall signified the harvesting of the grapes. Yes, even here in the Eilat desert we have grape arbors. Grapes for wine have been grown in Israeli deserts for over 3000 years.


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