2015 Judy Casserberg

Judy Casserberg
Knife River, MN USA

Water is our planet’s most precious commodity and we need to have more care in how we use it and how we protect it.

I live on the shore of Lake Superior, my front yard is the Lake. I have watched the Lake change with every minute, all day, night and season for the last 44 years. The Lake is never the same, the colors change, the texture changes, the mood changes. My piece, my view out of my front window tries so show some of these changes. I cannot begin to give this huge body of water justice, I cannot begin to show all of the colors or textures so I have tried to illustrate four of the Lake’s moods; calm, stormy, water falling and frozen. I have used needle and hook, needle and thread. I have used wool, metallic thread, silver wire and beads. I used this teapot from my collection because it’s shaped worked for what I wanted to say. I am pleased!

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